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Saturday, December 31, 2011


Freestyle For Life
Knowing the Author, I only hoped that this book was going to be worth reading. I would have to face Latif and I hate lying. However, once I started reading the book I became excited for Latif. I was amazed at the work he had created. Working in the industry I was able to relate to many of the characters, not to mention the promotion 101 chapter. Before computers, promoting an album and an artist was all about the street team. Flyers, posters and record in stores was how it was done. Making or breaking an Artist is all about the team! I gotta had it to you La, you messed with my head when it came to the dream scene. This book is a must read! If you love great characters, a great story and want to reminisce about a time when life was all about the "LOVE" of the music. Then purchase this book! I called my mother after reading this book and told her I loved her and made her promise to cook me a "Spanish" home cook meal. Your book made me hungry! Now get busy and start writing the next one. You got some big shoes to fill. Your like Santos, is there anything you can't do!!!

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