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Saturday, December 31, 2011


Freestyle For Life: A Must Read!
As everyone, I also enjoyed this novel very much! This novel really brings the reader on a journey with the main character Solo Cortez. He goes through so much and yet his passion for his music and its genre never leaves him or his heart. The reader feels like they are living the story throughout the pages of this book and that's due to the descriptive nature of the writing. The author Latif Mercado does a great job in giving his readers the feeling that we are Solo and we're telling this story. It's like we're right there living Solo's successes as well as his hardships. Freestyle music has always been a genre that's been overlooked by the mainstream and it's great that Latif is bringing new life to this genre. Freestyle music has always been about a passion for life, love and dreams and that's what this story entails. A great book by a great writer!! P.S. You don't have to be into Freestyle music to enjoy this book. Looking forward to the next one!

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