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Saturday, December 31, 2011


Freestyle For Life! A MUST READ!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! 
Freestyle for life is a great read indeed. I appreciate the detailed writing and the genuine nature of this most memorable book. I was engulfed by the charachter "Solo" and his experiences. It felt like really being there. There was so much that I related to. From the not knowing what would happen next to folks making you second guess things and so much more! I have to tell you, I seriously could not put this book down. I would have to peel myself away so I could get on with my day or even sleep. It just had me wanting to know what would happen next! This story had me sad, upset, almost in tears and of course excited and very happy too! I loved the way the author took me for a spin on the emotional roller coaster. It was kick ass great! I loved the feel of "REAL" the author brought to the characters in this great story. You just felt like it was almost you in that story! I highly recommend that you get a copy of this book. It's GREAT!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Great JOB!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!! FREESTYLE FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!! =o) SERIOUS IT'S KICK ASS GREAT!!!! =0)

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