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Saturday, December 31, 2011


So you opened up all your gifts, and Holy Infant! Santa hooked you up with a Brand New Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPod, Cel Phone or Computer. You rip open the box and immediately catch a whiff of that new electronic smell. Like us all (mostly men) we flip quickly through the manual, but we aren’t really reading anything, we just wanna hurry and start playing with our new toy! But what to do? I know! Loa...d up a copy of the First Ever Urban Latino Novel based on the Freestyle Music Scene! If you are a Kindle owner, guess what? Today the book is absolutely FREE!!! Just go to Amazon for more info. And if you don’t have a Kindle, don’t worry, the Book is just .99 Cents. That’s right, Ninety Nine Cents!!! No catch, it’s just that it’s such an incredible story about a genre we adore that I find it an important read! So come on people, get your copy right now!
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and remember… Freestyle For Life!

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