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Saturday, December 31, 2011


Freestyle for the Realest!!!
 I was a lil skeptic at first when i heard Latif had wrote a book... I was like "Come on, Really now? an entertainment agent and CEO for La' is really gonna do this?" and though I had met him in the past back in 2008 at the Paradox in Austin, TX... I really thought his thing was managing events for the Entertainment industry... and well now the guy has changed my mind... I seen a few of his posting for his book that i finally decided to check it out after hearing a reading of the book on you tube. Now the book has many trips and turns that seem to intrigue me. some of the things that are said in conversations between the characters almost seem to be dejavu for me... which kept it real... As I kept reading I felt anoxic and lost in the thought of what is really going on in the mind of the characters in the book. It took me a week to finish the book... and all I wanted to do was talk with someone about this book. At work I kept mentioning what was going on with Solo, what was going on with Yolanda, what was going on with Santos, Flaco, and "the" homeboy Rick!!!! Every one at work though I was talking about real people... when they found out i was talking about a book they thought I was tripping cause to me the characters was real... I couldn't wait to have a chance to pick up the book again to see what was coming next. I related to this book and growing up in an lower class community sometimes you need to watch your own back... there are very few people in your life you can trust... and sometime we have bad judgment and trust the wrong people... even a friend you consider to be a brother will set you up if the price is right... Envious people are all around and sometimes we miss that because we don't wanna believe that it could happen to us. now this book also has other stuff and other stories going on around the main character. Latif is an author keepin it true to the realest. I can't wait for you to produce another one!!!! MiggZ

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