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Saturday, December 31, 2011


A riveting, well written book that delivers
Latif Mercado knows the world of Latin Freestyle music better than most, and he has used that insider knowledge to craft a fascinating story that grabs you from the first sentence and doesn't let you go until the last page is done. You don't have to be a fan of the Freestyle genre of music to appreciate this novel, as the world of Freestyle is only a backdrop to the timeless story told through the eyes of the main character Solo Cortez. As a writer, Mercado is very impressive - his ability to tell a story and make you feel as if you actually know and can identify with these characters is something that many writers never master. His writing style is so descriptive and visual that the characters really jump off the page - I really felt for these people as if I had known them my whole life. If this is an example of what his very first novel is like, I can't wait to get my hands on the next one!

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